
The Internal Auditor is an interactive website established to share ideas, templates and documents to enhance the effectiveness of your internal audit (IA) department. By sharing information we can learn from each other and establish best practices that help us add value to our organisations. All documents can be downloaded without paying a fee, however we urge you to contribute templates and documents to grow our database. Please remember to only send us templates and documents that are your intellectual property and for which you are authorised to share.

On this website you will find information and documents for starting up the internal audit function, information on auditing the various cycles in your organisation and tools to improve the governance of your organisation.

We strive to supply internal auditors around the world with the tools and information in order to enhance our profession and add more value to our clients.

Documents and templates may not be 100% in line with your organisations processes, however they may provide some guidance.

Please email your documents and templates to  

By sending documents and templates to The Internal Auditor, we assume that the document has been created by you and your organisation has no intellectual property claim on the documents and templates and further, you give full permission for the document to be published and take full responsibility for submitting the documents and templates. The Internal Auditor is in no way liable for publishing unauthorised intellectual property.